Call for inputs

Is your contribution about the Meaningful Access properties or under one of the overarching workstreams

IF CONNECTIVITY, please consider those guiding questions below:

  • How to improve use and quality of connectivity?
  • What is the impact of connectivity in a specific community?
  • How complementary/alternative provider models address existing gaps?
  • What policy and regulation needs to be in place to support expansion of access to rural areas in all global south regions areas and communities?
  • ​How Internet access has promoted ​development in industry, innovation and infrastructure?
  • What policy actions have facilitated and incentivized increased meaningful connectivity in your country or  region?

IF DIGITAL INCLUSION, please consider those guiding questions below:

  • How local content is critical to sustain communities and stimulate demand; focusing on cases where there are good practices with local content development, including in local languages?
  • How specific ​policies or regulation has helped promote digital ecosystem?

IF CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT, please consider those guiding questions below:

  • Which are the digital and technical capacities required at the community level to sustain networks, services and a thriving ICT ecosystem in rural/marginalized areas?
  • How access to the Internet and technical skills training has promoted ​decent work and economic growth, especially in least developed and ​developing countries, and small island states.?
Which are the key properties to define "meaningful access" that resonate with your case/story/experience?